For this task we observed four elements, mise en scene, shot types, sound and framing.
Aggie looked at the mise en scene element in the opening sequence to 'Back to the future' and mainly
listed all of the props that were captured in the footage of the film. Some examples of the props were 'a newspaper', 'a television' and 'a skateboard'. I also looked at the costume, as it is catergorised within the mise en scene element. We were only introduced to one character within the opening sequence we watched but he was wearing casual clothing. e.g trainers and jeans. Aggie also observed sound elements. Aggie found many different sound effects, such as ' television noise' and 'toaster pinging', nearly all of the sound from the opening sequence was diagetic noise.
Lauren looked at the framing of the sequence this was quite limited as the camera was continuously panning around the room so an object does not stay in the frame for more then a few seconds. The lady in the TV screen is shown to the left of the frame but is still the main focus of the shot. Throughout the scene any other object that is the main focus of the shot is shown prominently in the centre of the frame. Lauren also looked at the various shot types shown throughout, the panning of the room is shown as mostly mid shots meaning you can see more then one object throughout.
Ella looked at the sounds in the clip and the shot types. I found that the sound in the opening credits of the sequence was non-diagetic sound of clocks ticking. This sound then fading out and the shot of ticking clocks came into frame. The ticking then became diagetic. A radio then came into shot and diagetic sound of the man talking on the radio was played. The camera then panned round to a coffee maker and the shot was accompanied by the diagetic sound of coffee bubbling. The camera then panned around to a television of which was displaying a news reader. There was a midshot of the newsreader. The camera then panned into a full screen shot of her on tele. There was diagetic sound of her talking. In this opening sequence there was many midshots, high angle shots and low angle shots. There was an extreme close up of the dials on the amps.
This is an image of the storyboard made by Ella Stewart for the 'Back to the Future' sequence.
Monday, 29 November 2010
The narrative of my film is based on a school trip to a zoo. My first shot will be an establishing shot of the school, the camera will then be shown panning a boy who is walking into the gates of the school. It will then cut into a classroom scene where the class are discussing the trip. It wiil then cut to a point of view shot from a teacher marking of all the children as they get on the bus. As the children settle down there will be non-diegetic upbeat sound track to mirror the idea of school trips being fun and adventurous.
My film will be classified as a PG certificate as there are some scary elements throughout, although they are resolved, it may be fightening to young children watching it by themselves.
I want my opening film sequence to employ a message of bullying in order to allow the children who watch it learn a very important message. My opening film sequence will open with an establishing shot of a primary school in summer. In the background of the shot non diagetic, sad and gloomy music will be playing to accpmany the main feeling of my film e.g. bullying. The shot will then zoom into an establishing shot of the school's empty playground. The shot will fade out onto a young boy playing on his own with some trucks and the music will suddenly stop to display the feeling of being alone. Diagetic sound of the boy playing will be heard. The shot will then cut to all of the children playing in the playground and diagetic sound of them laughing and having fun. The shot will then cut back to the small boy looking up at all of the children playing.
My opening sequence will display the main message of my film i.e bullying and will introduce the main character e.g the young boy. My film will be of the classification U as they're will be no strong language or violent scenes.
My opening sequence will display the main message of my film i.e bullying and will introduce the main character e.g the young boy. My film will be of the classification U as they're will be no strong language or violent scenes.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
My opening film sequence will portray an establishing shot of the city where it will be
set. As this establishing shot is being shown , there would be up-beat music playing in
the background and the titles of the actor, director, editor etc. will be shown in big bubble
writing across the screen. I would make the camera shot zoom in from a high angle to the
town house where my main character is located. The music which is diagetic will phase
out to my main character... a young girl, of aged eight years old, humming along to the song that was playing in the opening credits.My opening sequence will be mainly footage of the young girl with her family, her friends in her local town school and playing outside of school.

My film will be a PG because it may contain some gloomy scenes, which could appear scary to a young child.
set. As this establishing shot is being shown , there would be up-beat music playing in
the background and the titles of the actor, director, editor etc. will be shown in big bubble
writing across the screen. I would make the camera shot zoom in from a high angle to the
town house where my main character is located. The music which is diagetic will phase
out to my main character... a young girl, of aged eight years old, humming along to the song that was playing in the opening credits.My opening sequence will be mainly footage of the young girl with her family, her friends in her local town school and playing outside of school.
My film will be a PG because it may contain some gloomy scenes, which could appear scary to a young child.
Thursday, 25 November 2010
We think that the children's film, Mary Poppins made in 1964, is of the classification U. We can see this throughout the clip due to the use of mild violence with the occasional mild threat. This is evident in the mild violent scene between the customers at the bank. The action is very small and non threatening because they're is only people clambering to get to the desks as seen in the image above. There is no immitable behaviour throughout the clip. There is a mild scary sequence, this is seen when the old scary woman appears in the shot along with the two children who are not aware that the woman is there. There is also no bad language in the clip because it's a universal classified film.
The BBFC, british board of film classification, are highly experts and experienced regulators for film industries and video games. They help with developing media to categorise what they produce.

Some examples of the categorising for certificates are these. A PG certificate film is classified as a film that children( people below the age of 12) are allowed to view, as long as they get a guardian to accompany them in the viewing. A film that's got the certificate classified as a 'U', is a film that children are allowed to view without a guardian with them, i.e it has been judged as suitable for young ages.
When language is featured in a PG it must only include mild bad language, where as a film certificate of a 'U' should use mild bad language infrequently. in a 'PG' illegal drugs are allowed to be referenced as long as they show a message suggesting that it's anti-drugs. However a film with a 'U' certificate should show no illegal drug references unless the film portrays a very clear anti-drug outlook.
Ella Stewart,
Sarah Jebb and Lauren Vyse
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
The intro of this film fits well into the conventions of a typical childrens film eg:
- The use of bright colours is prominant throughout within the: Tittle, characters and location
- Upbeat music
- Clear dialogue
- It is a hybrid ie a fantasy/adventure genre
- The plot is outlined, you know what will happen it is straight forward to a young audience
- The editing pace is slow so it is not confusing to children
- There is diegetic sound effects eg owl noises
- There is irony relating to the whole idea of monsters hiding in your closet or under your bed
- It shows the idea that monsters aren't that scary
- The first shot is of toys which appeals to children
The Lion King appeals to children immediately because of the bright colours. Also the film is an animation and all of the animals are brightly coloured too. In addition to this the film is also appealing because there is usually a sound track playing which makes the film recognisable with the songs. The film would have impact because it has a moral to the story, 'the circle of life' educating children about how life is for the animals in the wilderness. This again relates to the song 'circle of life' at the start of the film, therefore the film intorduces us (the viewer ) to the storyline and characters straight away. The film is rememberable to people because it's a musical which therefore makes the film more enjoyable for the viewer i.e. children , because you can sing along.
Monday, 22 November 2010

Woody is the protangonist character in toy story, he is voiced by Tom Hanks. He is a pull string doll, and this links to the merchandise as the audience can buy the charactor they see in the film. Woody always comes up with great ideas andadventure/escape plans. he is very charming with the lady dolls, especially bow peep.
In this task we have learnt how to safely and effectively use the camera equipment provided, we have expanded our knowlage with working on final cut (editing programme) and have learnt how to add in text to specific scenes. Throughout the next lessons and in our free time we will experiment with garage band, which adds music and sound affects to the sequence.
Monday, 15 November 2010
Establishing shot: The blurriness in this picture is not included in our storyboard, however we thought it was a good image to set the scene.
Close up: This shot is used to create suspense as we don't know what is on the other side of the door.
Close up: This shot is used to create suspense as we don't know what is on the other side of the door.
Preliminary task :
This task will help us to practice producing our children's film using storyboards and shot lists. This will
familiarise us with the use of camera work and editing techniques, so we can begin to create an idea for our children's film.We are also beginning to think more about what we could include in our mise-en scene so we can set the scene that we want to appeal to our target audience.
This task will help us to practice producing our children's film using storyboards and shot lists. This will
familiarise us with the use of camera work and editing techniques, so we can begin to create an idea for our children's film.We are also beginning to think more about what we could include in our mise-en scene so we can set the scene that we want to appeal to our target audience.
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