Thursday, 6 January 2011

Practice story board task

For this task we observed four elements, miss en scene, shot types, sound and framing.
Aggie looked at the mise en scene element in the opening sequence to 'Back to the future' and mainly
listed all of the props that were captured in the footage of the film. Some examples of the props are 'newspaper','television' and 'skateboard'. I also looked at the costume, as it is catergorised within the miss en scene element. We were only introduced to one character within the opening sequence we watched but he was wearing casual clothing. e.g trainers and jeans. Aggie also observed sound elements. Aggie found many different sound effects, such as ' television noise' and 'toaster pinging', nearly all of the sound from the opening sequence was diagetic noise.

Lauren looked at the framing of the sequence this was quite limited as the camera is continuously panning the room so an object does not stay in the frame for more then a few seconds. The lady in the TV screen is shown to the left of the frame but is still the main focus of the shot. Throughout the scene any other object that is the main focus of the shot is shown prominently in the centre of the frame. Lauren also looked at the various shot types shown throughout, the panning of the room is shown as mostly mid shots meaning you can see more then one


We have had this week to complete our opening children's film sequence and in order to finish it we have been doing the editing. All of us have partaken in some of the editing work. On the first day, Lauren, Aggie and Sarah did the editing of the film. They put all of the shots together in the correct order and made sure they were of the correct length. The next day of editing,

How our filming went

We had the whole of last week to finish our filming and we were sucessful in doing so. On Monday of last week, we began our filming. We filmed our opening shot in the library. This first sequence was a shot of the Winter Ball poster which then zoomed out onto the group of girls discussing the Winter Ball. Sarah Jebb, attempted filming this opening shot, me and Lauren directed the characters and Aggie played the role of one of the girls. We were happy with the framing etc. but Sarah struggled in getting the shots right. I then took over the camerawork and Sarah and Lauren joined the cast of the girls acting. Even though we got permission from the manager of the library the following week, we were told to leave the premisses as we were loud while we were filming. We then had to find another location for our filming. We hunted around the college site and chose to film in the Costa cafe. We thought that this would be an ideal place to do our sequence because it was a recognisable location and a relaxing enviroment for the children veiwng the film.
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